About Me
Awards & achievements
heya! I'm Jun Jie!
Year 3 Singtel Cadet Scholar studying Cybersecurity And Digital Forensics @ Ngee Ann Polytechic
Awards & Achievements
Singtel Cadet Scholar (Cyber)
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Sentinel Programme Workshop - Cyber Data Analysis
Lag and Crash 4th (fate fairy poultry)
Curtin Singapore Hackathon - Mycological Mayhem
YCEP@TP - 3rd
YCEP@NP - 4th
YCEP@RP - 4th
YCEP Online
GSCE O Level
Edusave Award for achievements, good leadership, & Service (EAGLES)
Cisco Introduction to Cybersecurity
Edusave Character Award (ECHA)
Edusave Award for achievements, good leadership, & Service (EAGLES)
Infocomm Vice-Chairman (Production) Certificate of Appointment
YCEP@NP - 1st
YCEP@Central - 3rd
YCEP@RP - 10th
YCEP Online
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